Friday, 16 March 2012

How to do Multiplicity.

Having done some research in to multiplicity I decided I definitely wanted to give it a try so did some research in to how to do it, and it turns out it's quite simple. For my first few images I used my Apple Mac, which has a camera, however this isn't of the greatest quality so as I developed my technique I moved on to using my HD ready Canon PowerShot.

First off, when taking the pictures you must ensure that the camera always remains in exactly the same position. This will make it a lot easier when you come to edit them together, as you won't need to move them around so much. Where you stand is also very important as you should try not to stand in front of yourself in a previous picture, as you will just block yourself out. It's also a lot easier later on if you wear quite simplistic clothes which don't include tricky patterns as this means that you have to line it all up when you put it together, otherwise it won't look very realistic.

Once you have taken your pictures, (you can take as many as you like) you should open them all up as layers in Photoshop. You need to decide which one of your pictures you want to be the background and place that right at the bottom as it is the only layer that you will be able to see the entire image. Starting from the top layer you should then zoom right in and use a fuzzy eraser brush to go round the outline of the section of the picture you want to keep. So basically, you need to remove the background and only keep the main subject.

Once you do this to all of the layers apart from the bottom one you have completed your multiplicity!

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