Monday, 23 April 2012

My Panoramic World

This is my recreation of a panoramic planet from Erik Johansson. It was fairly easy to create, and the hardest bit was probably taking the panorama. However, on my camera I have the function which helps me to 'stitch' images together while looking at them which creates a fluid panorama. Once I had done this I open it on Photoshop, and firstly rotate it by 180 degrees so it is upside down. Then I went into Filter --> Distort --> Polar Coordinates, and selected the option for 'Rectangualar to Polar'. This made the round shape in to a planet, but it was rather squashed. To rectify this I simply went on to Canvas Size and made the height the same size as the width which made it an even circle.

I am quite pleased with this picture as I think it worked quite well altogether. Although I had a bit of a problem with the images fitting together in the panorama on a previous post, you cannot see this in this final image.  If I could do it again, and if I have time I will, I would like to photography some things which are in the grass section,  as this is what Erik Johansson did. Linking back to the question, this image distorts the perception of reality by creating an imaginary world out of what should be a flat image.

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