Sunday, 15 April 2012

Ghost Lighting

I was talking to my teacher on how she thought that my work could progress to the next level and she said  that she had once used a technique in which you go in to a completley pitch black room, and set the shutter speed to 3 seconds, and create some light by flashing a torch onto your subject as it moves around. I thought of that idea fascinated me, so I decided to give it a go in the darkroom at school.

This was one of the first attempts that I took, where I wasn't really too sure what to expect or what to ask my subject to do. In this one she was just moving her entire body, so I thought that maybe for my next image I could ask her to slowly walk from one side of the background to the other to see what that could create.
I really think that this explores the question of surrealism as it looks quite ghostly, which is exploring the fantasy of the unliving. I really like exploring different shutter speeds as they really interest me.

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